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100+ Women Who Care Grapevine Online Giving Instructions

1) If you have not done so already, please log in using the link below to create your Grapevine account:

2) Using the Search button at the top of the screen, copy and paste 100+ Women Who Care New River Valley (Virginia) Giving Circle into the search bar to find our chapter.

3) Our chapter should come right up in the search, along with our logo to identify us. Click on our logo to take you to the donations page.

4) Scroll down, and you will see our welcome message on the left and a blue Donate button on the right.

5) The default is a $100 donation recurring Quarterly. You may change your frequency to One Time if you prefer. Click Donate.

6) On this screen, choose your payment method on the left. You may enter your bank account or your credit card. Grapevine charges no donation fees, but their payment processor charges a discounted 2.2% + 30¢ credit and debit card fee (3.5% for AmEx and +1% for non-US cards), or 0.81% up to $5 for bank transfers. Once you enter your payment information, your screen will update with the total you will be charged.

7) On the right side of this screen, you will see your Donation Summary along with our logo. You will see a category for Tip, but any amount you add for a tip does not go to our elected recipient. This discretionary amount would go directly to the Grapevine platform for its operational costs, but any amount is completely voluntary, and we will not be able to see whether or not you add a tip.

8) When you are satisfied with your selections, click the blue Complete donation button.

9) If your payment has been successful, you will see a screen with a yellow banner thanking you for your donation, along with an option to Copy Link if you’d like to easily share our Grapevine with friends and family who may be interested in making a donation. At the bottom of the screen, you can click on View Donation Details.

10) On this screen, if you haven’t linked as a member to our chapter’s giving circle, please do so here.

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